Hear ye! Hear ye! A Royalty Storytime! (Thank you, Princess Evelyn for coming to visit me…)
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Read-aloud #1: George, the Dragon and the Princess by Christopher Wormell
*Flannel: Little Mouse
Read-aloud #2: King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood
Storytelling (with finger puppets): Mrs. Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley
Read-aloud #3: Snog the Frog by Tony Bonning
Song/Fingerplay/Props: Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Read-aloud #4: Foggy, Foggy Forest by Nick Sharratt
Flannel: Queen of Hearts (a shape story by Jean Warren)
Fingerplay: Open, Shut Them
(“Dancing” Song: “Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands” from Carole Peterson: Sticky Bubble Gum and Other Tasty Tunes) (I wanted to use Nancy’s Stewart’s “Clapping in the Castle”, but I was having computer issues… Good thing I had a back-up song!)
Closing song: We Wave Goodbye
*Little Mouse
Little Mouse, Little Mouse, Are you in the [insert color] house?
(Underneath different colored flannel houses, I place different flannel animals. Using a cat puppet, we go in search of the mouse flannel…)