Picture Book: The Ugly Pumpkin by Dave Horowitz
Nonfiction Book Bites: read/showed snippets from Food Faces by Rudi Sodamin, Baby Food by Saxton Freymann, Zombie-Gut Chili and Other Horrifying Dinners by Ali Vega, and Cool Thanksgiving Dinner by Lisa Wagner
Picture Book: Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano
Tag: food
Summer School Books and Fun
Here are the other books and fillers I presented for this year’s Summer School class visits to the library. Unlike my “Carnivores” theme, I didn’t do the same materials or order for each group; I played around quite a bit, picking and choosing at whim. I did loose “food” and “mail” themes, but I wasn’t strict about staying on-theme. I got to try out books I’ve been wanting to try for a while now, so that was extra fun!
Books I may have shared:
Peter Spit a Seed at Sue by Jackie French Koller
Maria the Matador by Anne Lambelet
How to Feed Your Parents by Ryan Miller
Food Faces by Rudi Sodamin
Delivery Bear by Laura Gehl
It Came in the Mail by Ben Clanton
Fillers I may have used:
Boom Chicka Boom
Herman the Worm
Boo Baby stories (learned from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
Book Book Book (This is a well-loved librarian anecdote about a chicken that comes into the library. One version, “The Well-Read Frog” can be found in Margaret Read MacDonald’s Three Minute Tales.)
various Mad Libs
December 2017 “Hungry” First and Second Grade Visits
My second round of class visits started today. (My library visits the same classrooms for 20 minutes every other month.) It made me feel good to see the kids excited to see me again! I definitely felt welcome, and we all enjoyed the stories.
(Poetry Book Bite: “Me Stew” from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein)
Book: The Great Lollipop Caper by Dan Krall OR The Perfect Nest by Catherine Friend
Story/Song: Herman the Worm
Nonfiction Book Bite: mentioned we have cookbooks at the library, showed off a few including Sandwiches! by Alison Dearing and Bob Lentz
Storytell: The Goat in the Jalapeño Patch (mostly based off of storyteller Dianne de Las Casas’ version)
Schools visited: Heritage, Laurel Hill
November 2017 “Hungry” Kindergarten Visit
Another great kindergarten visit!
Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Woodpecker Wants a Waffle by Steve Breen
Fingerplay: Sausages
Nonfiction Book Bite: mentioned we have cookbooks at the library, showed off a few
Book: Hungry Hen by Richard Waring
Storytell: The Little Red Hen
Book: The Wolf’s Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza
Song: “I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup”
Schools Visited: Heritage
November 2017 “Holiday Food” Toddler Visit
It’s been a while since I’ve done a toddler-only storytime. Today, I met some new friends at a local daycare.
Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Today is Monday by Eric Carle
Fingerplay: Apples
*Prop Visual: The Colors We Eat On Thanksgiving
Fingerplay: Sausages
Flannel: The Enormous Turnip
Song: “I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup”
Schools visited: Little Bear Academy
*One of my co-workers made a great visual (see photo). The turkey’s stomach circle is clear, so you can put colored sheets of paper in a pocket behind the stomach. I used small squares of different colored construction paper. On one side of the paper, I put a photo of a Thanksgiving food that was the the color of the paper. (The other side was blank, just that color.) Here are the words (food) to go with the visual:
I eat many colors on Thanksgiving…
The turkey is… (brown)
The corn is… (yellow)
The beans are… (green)
The pumpkin pie is… (orange)
The cranberries are… (red)
The potatoes are… (brown) When I peel the potatoes and make mashed potatoes, they are… (white)
So many colors I eat on Thanksgiving!
November 2017 “Holiday Food” Pre-K Visits
Fun times with Pre-K classes today!
Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson or Today is Monday by Eric Carle
(Prop Visual: The Colors We Eat On Thanksgiving)
Fingerplay: Apples or Sausages
Book: 1 Big Salad by Juana Medina
Flannel: The Enormous Turnip
Book: Is That Wise, Pig? By Jan Thomas
Song: “I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup” from Laurie Berkner’s Victor Vito
Schools visited: Horizon, Little Bear Academy
Let’s Clap Our Hands for Ice Cream!
September 22 is National Ice Cream Cone Day! YUM!
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Read-aloud #1: Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems
Flannel: Ice Cream Colors (by Susan M. Paprocki, in 1001 Rhymes and Fingerplays, p. 198)
Action Song: If You’re Wearing Red Today
Read-aloud #2: Isaac the Ice Cream Truck by Scott Santoro
*Flannel: Parking Lot Rhyme
Song (with flannel pieces): The Wheels on the Bus
Read-aloud #3: Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop by Margret Rey
Action Song: 5 Little Monkeys
Song (did only first verse, used flannel pieces and cow puppet): Twenty Eight Scoops of Ice Cream by Brent Holmes (super cute interpretation found on YouTube)
**Action Song: Let’s Clap Our Hands for Ice Cream
Dancing Song (with shakers): “Milkshake Song” from Songs for Wiggleworms
Closing song: We Wave Goodbye
*Parking Lot Rhyme (Source unknown)
There are many machines to take us places.
Here they come to their parking spaces.
Here comes the fire truck, shiny and bright.
Here comes the ambulance, blinking its light.
Here comes the train; its whistle blows.
Here comes the bus; it stops and it goes.
Here comes the car with a family inside.
So many machines in which to ride.
**Let’s Clap Our Hands for Ice Cream (by Heather McPhail, seen here)
(Tune: “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”)
Oh, let’s clap our hands for ice cream,
For ice cream, for ice cream.
Oh, let’s clap our hands for ice cream,
’Cause we love it so.
It’s cold and it’s sweet
And it’s our favorite treat.
Oh, let’s clap our hands for ice cream,
’Cause we love it so.
More verses: “Oh, let’s stomp our feet, Oh, let’s nod our heads,” and so forth.
Story Sparklers II
Today was my second year performing at the Lakeside Fest in Crystal Lake!
Sadly, I have just one storytime left this summer: this Monday, July 7 at the Randall Oaks Library at 10:30 am. It’s been a GREAT summer session, and I will be missing the kids lots.
This happy Fourth of July, I shared some more story sparklers…
*Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Read-aloud #1 (Big Book): The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss
Flannel: The Enormous Turnip
**Fingerplay: Apples
Storytelling Activity: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (using story props)
***Fingerplay: Five Little Sausages
Story/Song: Herman the Worm
Read-aloud #2 (Big Book): The Little Red Hen (pictures by Lucinda MccQueen)
Storytelling: “Chickens!” (I learned this “boo baby” story from storyteller Priscilla Howe’s cd, Chickens! and Other Stories for Young Children)
****Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This
*If You Want to Hear a Story (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
Other verses:
“nod your head,”
“rub your tummy,”
“sit real still,” etc.
Way up high in the apple tree,
(Stretch arms in the air.)
Two little apples smiled at me.
(Hold up two fists.)
I shook the tree as hard as I could.
(Shake fists in the air.)
Down came the apples.
(Drop fists to lap. Mime biting into “apples”.)
Mmm, were they good!
(Pat tummy.)
***Five Little Sausages
Five little sausages frying in a pan
(Wiggle all five fingers)
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, and one went BAM!
(When you say “BAM”, clap your hands together Count down with each sausage (fingers) until you’re out of sausages)
****We Wave Goodbye Like This (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell”)
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends. We wave goodbye like this.
(Repeat once.)
I’m Still Hungry!
I can’t get enough Thanksgiving/Holiday food… or enough food stories. I’ve done all of these stories before… but never in this combination 🙂
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Storytelling Activity: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (using story props)
Read-aloud #1: The Enormous Potato by Aubrey Davis
*Fingerplay: The Quiet Mouse
Read-aloud #2 (Big Book): The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Don Wood
Action Song: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Read-aloud #3: Chicks and Salsa by Aaron Reynolds
Song (with shakers!): “I Know a Chicken” from Laurie Berkner’s Whaddaya Think of That?
(Could have also told “The Little Red Hen”…)
*The Quiet Mouse
Once there lived a quiet mouse
(Hold out fist with index finger extended)
In a quiet little house.
(Insert index finger into other fist)
When all was quiet as can be,
Out Popped He!!
(Throw arms and hands apart)
Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This
Don’t Let the Pigeon Eat All the Food!
I had a very fun Mo Willems Pigeon mini-storytime (less than 20 minutes) yesterday at Gail Borden. I’ve always wanted to do an all-Pigeon storytime… and I finally did it! Though, I admit, I probably won’t do it again… Pigeon stories are very active and intense (even if very fun!)! I was pooped afterwards. I guess I need Pigeon in smaller doses:) I had a wonderful time being a volunteer “Story Chef” over at Gail Borden this year… Reading was sooooo delicious.
I’m back on “storytime break” until the last week of September… but I’ll likely post on the blog before then. Happy storytiming, friends!
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Read-aloud #1: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
Song (with flannel pieces): The Animals on the Bus
Read-aloud #2: The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! by Mo Willems
*Fingerplay: Mr. Pigeon and Mr. Duckling
Read-aloud #3: The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? by Mo Willems
Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This
*Mr. Pigeon and Mr. Duckling
(I modified this from “Mr. Turkey Went Out One Day”)
Mr. Pigeon went out one day
(Hold up one hand)
In bright sunshiny weather
He met Mr. Duckling along the way
(Hold up other hand)
They stopped to talk together
(Hold up both hands, Have hands “talk” to each other)
Coo, Coo, Coo
Quack, quack, quack
Coo, Coo, Coo
Quack, quack, quack
And then they both went back
(hands behind back) Quack!