Fiction Book: Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies! by Megan and Jorge Lacera
Nonfiction Book Bites: read/showed snippets from Zombie-Gut Chili and Other Horrifying Dinners by Ali Vega, How to Carve Freakishly Cool Pumpkins by Sarah L. Schuette, and What Makes a Monster? by Jess Keating (zombie ant fungus!); also said we have books about zombies at the library and showed the cover of The Legend of the Zombie by Thomas Kingsley Troupe
Storytell: Now I’ve Gotcha (I learned this “boo baby” story from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
Author: sillylibrarian
Fall Fun Preschool Visits
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Hocus Pocus, It’s Fall! by Anne Sibley O’Brien
Rhyme: Apples
Book: The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri or Aw, Nuts! by Rob McClurkan
(Rhyme: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
*Flannel: 5 Little Acorns
(Book: Ol’ Mama Squirrel by David Ezra Stein or Pumpkin Heads! by Wendell Minor or Boo! Haiku by Deanna Caswell)
(**Fingerplay: Scary Eyes)
(***Flannel/Rhyme: Pumpkin Pie)
Dancing Song: Hip Hop Body Rock” (with shakers) from Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael’s Rockin’ Red
Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This
*5 Little Acorns (adapted from “5 Little Apples”)
(Chanted to Five Little Monkeys Teasing Mr. Crocodile)
Five little acorns hanging in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Bushy Tail “you can’t eat me”,
Along comes Mr. Bushy Tail as hungry as can be…
(Chant with 4,3,2,1)
(Used tree flannel, 5 acorn flannels and a squirrel flannel or puppet)
**Scary Eyes
See my big and scary eyes? (Form circles around eyes with fingers.)
Get ready for a big surprise. (Cover face with hands.)
Boo! (Uncover face peek-a-boo style.)
***Pumpkin Pie
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
A witch flew by…
“Ahhahahahaha, I’m going to make you into pumpkin pie!”
Four little pumpkins… (and so on)
Fiction and Nonfiction Second Grade Visits
School visits have started up again! I’m behind in posting, but I had had fun at Laurel Hill last month 🙂
Fiction Book: The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers
Nonfiction Book Bites: read/showed snippets from National Geographic Kids’ Weird but True! #5, Ripley’s Believe it or Not!: Out of this World Edition 2018, and National Geographic Kids’ Real or Fake?
Storytell: Book Book Book (This is a well-loved librarian anecdote about a chicken that comes into the library. One version, “The Well-Read Frog” can be found in Margaret Read MacDonald’s Three Minute Tales.) (After I told this story, I took a vote on whether my story was fiction or nonfiction.)
Summer School Books and Fun
Here are the other books and fillers I presented for this year’s Summer School class visits to the library. Unlike my “Carnivores” theme, I didn’t do the same materials or order for each group; I played around quite a bit, picking and choosing at whim. I did loose “food” and “mail” themes, but I wasn’t strict about staying on-theme. I got to try out books I’ve been wanting to try for a while now, so that was extra fun!
Books I may have shared:
Peter Spit a Seed at Sue by Jackie French Koller
Maria the Matador by Anne Lambelet
How to Feed Your Parents by Ryan Miller
Food Faces by Rudi Sodamin
Delivery Bear by Laura Gehl
It Came in the Mail by Ben Clanton
Fillers I may have used:
Boom Chicka Boom
Herman the Worm
Boo Baby stories (learned from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
Book Book Book (This is a well-loved librarian anecdote about a chicken that comes into the library. One version, “The Well-Read Frog” can be found in Margaret Read MacDonald’s Three Minute Tales.)
various Mad Libs
Summer Carnivores
I’ve been keeping busy this summer! One of my fun duties has been to share stories with local U-46 Summer School students visiting the library. For my last presentation, I wore a “scary” wolf hat and did a “carnivores” theme. It was a hit!
Picture Book: Carnivores by Aaron Reynolds
Nonfiction Book: “Killer Whale vs. Great White Shark” from Who Would Win: Battle Royale by Jerry Pallotta
Chapter Book Booktalk: The Bad Guys by Aaron Blabey
Picture Book: Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas! by Aaron Blabey
Storytelling: The Gunniwolf
I did the same presentation for SEVEN school groups! (I was pretty tuckered out when I left work on Friday!) I’ll be sharing some of the materials I used for previous weeks; but for those presentations, I didn’t always do the same exact thing/order for each group.
Hope everyone is having a FANTASTIC summer! 🙂
Story Sparklers VI
I hope that everyone had a fantastic 4th of July!
Once again, I had the honor of presenting at Crystal Lake’s annual Lakeside Festival. This was my SIXTH year bringing storytime to the fest. I had a great turnout and a really fun audience–including “kids” I used to babysit for… and THEIR KIDS! Wow, I’m getting old 😉
*Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story
Read-aloud (Big Book): King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood
Flannel: Five Elephants in the Bathtub
Action Song: We Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop
Flannel Story: Mrs. Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley
Action Song: Tommy Thumb
Puppet Story: The Napping House from the book by Audrey Wood (See librarian Steven Englefried’s YouTube demonstration.)
Rhyme (with finger puppets): Ten in the Bed
**Fingerplay: Rain Is Falling Down
Storytelling: Now I’ve Gotcha (I learned this “boo baby” story from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
Action Song: Let Everyone Clap Hands With Me (from Pete Seeger: American Folk, Game & Activity Songs for Children)
***Closing Rhyme: Thank You
*If You Want to Hear a Story (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
Other verses:
“nod your head,”
“rub your tummy,”
“sit real still,” etc.
**Rain Is Falling Down
Rain is falling down,
(Raise hands up high and flutter fingers down)
(Slap floor with gusto)
Rain is falling down,
(Raise hands up high and flutter fingers down)
(Slap the floor)
Pitter patter, pitter patter,
(Quietly. Flutter fingers delicately.)
Rain is falling down,
(Flutter fingers down.)
(Slap floor with gusto)
***Thank You
My hands say thank you
With a clap, clap, clap
Clap hands
My feet say thank you with a tap, tap, tap
Tap feet
Clap, clap, clap.
Tap, tap, tap.
Clap hands, then tap feet
Turn myself around and bow,
Thank you!
Turn around, bow, then smile
Bunnies!!! Preschool Visits!!!
My last outreach visits of the year!!! I’ve had so much fun visiting various preschool classes (and having some visit me at the library) this year. I’m sad this school year is coming to a close. I’ll miss these little guys.
I’ll be keeping busy, though, with summer school visits to the library as well as visiting Ontarioville Elementary School in our new library Van Mobile Monday nights 6-6:45 from June 3rd to August 5th. We’ll be bringing books available to check-out, registration materials and prizes for the Summer Reading Challenge (Reading: the True Superpower!), and registration forms to be able to get a library card onsite at the school. Hopefully, I’ll be able to read or tell some stories and have some dance parties and other fun as well. Should be an exciting summer!
Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Bunnies!!! by Kevan Atteberry
Action Song: Little Bunny Foo Foo
Book: Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming OR Conejito by Margaret Read MacDonald (Conejito is fairly long, so I had to cut out the flannel and extra book for those groups. BUT Conejito was a big hit with my PreK dual language classes.)
(Flannel: The Enormous Turnip)
(Book: Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal)
Dancing Song: “Jumping and Counting” from Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem
Closing: We Wave Goodbye
Pesky Second Grade Visits
Garbage and Pests = a fun theme! I’ve had a great year sharing 20-minute story breaks with second graders. They’re so appreciative and make me feel like a million bucks when I walk into the room 🙂 Claps and hugs and declarations of book love!
Poem: “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out” from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
Book: Great, Now We’ve Got Got Barbarians! by Jason Carter Eaton
Nonfiction Book Bite: read/showed snippets from National Geographic Kids’ This Book Stinks!
Storytell: Storytelling: “At Midnight” (I learned this “boo baby” story from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
Dogs are Groovy Preschool Visits
Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Is There a Dog in this Book? by Viviane Schwarz OR The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Willems OR Bertie Was a Watchdog by Rick Walton and Arthur Robins OR Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd
Flannel Song: BINGO
Book: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer
Prop: Swallowing “George” Puppy (with finger puppets inside; I put on latex gloves and removed the animals from inside George)
Song (with finger puppets): Old MacDonald
Book: Groovy Joe: Ice Cream and Dinosaurs by Eric Litwin and Tom Lichtenheld
Dancing Song: “Dance, Freeze, Melt” from Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael’s Rockin’ Red
Closing: We Wave Goodbye
Cute Second Grade Visits
Book: Rot by Ben Clanton
Nonfiction Book Bites: read/showed snippets from 125 Cute Animals by National Geographic Kids, Cute as an Axolotl by Jess Keating*, and How to Draw Cute Animals by Angela Nguyen
Storytell: “Chickens!” (I learned this “boo baby” story from storyteller Priscilla Howe)
*Jess Keating has a fun “draw your cutest critter” handout on her website that I gave to the teachers to distribute to the kids
When I repeated this visit in 2020, I replaced the Nonfiction Book Bites with World’s Cutest Animals by Lonely Planet Kids, How to Draw a Unicorn and Other Cute Animals by Lulu Mayo, and This Book is Cute! by Sarah Wassner Flynn