Royal Rest

Princes and princesses need to catch their Zzzzzzzzzs just as much as the rest of us! (I need to catch UP on Zzzs AND posts!) Despite being about bedtime, this storytime didn’t put anyone to sleep…

Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story

Read-aloud #1: Waking Beauty by Leah Wilcox
Read-aloud #2: Stop Kissing Me! by Ethan Long
Song/Fingerplay: Tommy Thumb
Read-aloud #3: Tiger Can’t Sleep by S.J. Fore
Song/Fingerplay: Fun with Hands
Read-aloud #4: Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! by Mo Willems
Song/Fingerplay (with finger puppets): Ten in the Bed
Read-aloud #5: How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen

Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This

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