Royal Rinse

Sorry for the lack of posting! I’m adjusting to getting back into “storytime mode”. It’s been a blast! This past Monday, I read at Culvers on Randall Road in South Elgin… I’ll be back there for more royal reading Monday, July 11 at 5:30 pm… come join me for food and stories! I’m also at McDonald’s on Larkin in Elgin on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm!!!
Last week, we had a fun storytime about baths/washing up!

*Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story

Read-aloud #1: King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey Wood
Song: “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”
Poem: “Take Me Out of the Bathtub” from Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs by Alan Katz
Read-aloud #2: The Great Dog Wash by Shellie Braeuner
Song/Fingerplay: Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Read-aloud #3: Froggy Learns to Swim by Jonathan London
Storytelling (with finger puppets): Mrs. Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley
Read-aloud #4: To the Beach by Thomas Docherty

(BONUS BOOK: For some of the families, I also read If… by Sarah Perry. It doesn’t really go with the theme but is a fun imagination-stretcher especially for the older kids.)

Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This

*If You Want to Hear a Story
Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story, clap your hands!
If you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story,
if you want to hear a story, clap your hands!

Other verses:
“nod your head,”
“rub your tummy,”
“sit real still,” etc.

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