A Doggie Bag of Stories

Dog storytimes are always popular. In this case, we were even able to get Clifford to come and visit!

Dogs Preschool Storytime with Jennifer: April 17, 2007

Intro Song: Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
Intro: Casually share the book, Dog Food by Freymann and Elffers with the gathering children
Opening Song: If You Want to Hear a Story

Read-aloud #1: The Dog Who Cried Wolf by Keiko Kasza
Flannel: Where’s Spot?
Read-aloud #2: Bertie Was a Watchdog by Rick Walton
*Fingerplay: Ten Little Doggies
Read-aloud #3: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (Also: use swallowing “dog” puppet with various animal fingerpuppets inside)
Flannel Song: BINGO
Read-aloud #4: Clifford Gets a Job by Norman Bridwell

SPECIAL GUEST: Clifford, the Big Red Dog (We were able to get a walk-about costume for a willing staff member to wear. The kids LOVED getting to meet and hug Clifford. This was a special treat, though. We didn’t have characters come and visit every week, of course!)

Closing Song: We Wave Good-bye Like This

Clifford Coloring Handouts

*Ten Little Doggies
Ten little doggies went out one day
(hold 10 fingers up)
To dig in the dirt and play, play, play.
(Pretend to dig like a dog with both hands)
Five were spotted, and five were not,
(Hold up one hand at a time)
and at dinner time they ate a lot!
(Pretend to eat)

Other Dog Ideas:
How much is that doggie in the window?
Snuggle Puppy
Knick Knack Paddy Whack
Old Mother Hubbard
Oh where oh where has my little dog gone?

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