November 2017 “Holiday Food” Toddler Visit

It’s been a while since I’ve done a toddler-only storytime. Today, I met some new friends at a local daycare.

Opening: If You Want to Hear a Story
Book: Today is Monday by Eric Carle
Fingerplay: Apples
*Prop Visual: The Colors We Eat On Thanksgiving
Fingerplay: Sausages
Flannel: The Enormous Turnip
Song: “I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup”

Schools visited: Little Bear Academy

*One of my co-workers made a great visual (see photo). The turkey’s stomach circle is clear, so you can put colored sheets of paper in a pocket behind the stomach. I used small squares of different colored construction paper. On one side of the paper, I put a photo of a Thanksgiving food that was the the color of the paper. (The other side was blank, just that color.) Here are the words (food) to go with the visual:
I eat many colors on Thanksgiving…
The turkey is… (brown)
The corn is… (yellow)
The beans are… (green)
The pumpkin pie is… (orange)
The cranberries are… (red)
The potatoes are… (brown) When I peel the potatoes and make mashed potatoes, they are… (white)
So many colors I eat on Thanksgiving!

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